Mason Wanted for Restoration Work

IMG00118We need your help in our search for a mason to restore the 2 “CCC” chimneys at Gibsonville and Big Bend (on the East side of the park).  As many of you are aware, we are starting the process of restoring and preserving 4 remnants from the “CCC” era in the park with 2 state grants we were awarded in 2013 and 2014: a lean-to, 2 chimneys, and stone picnic tables (east side of the park).

Bids were recently sent out to masons along with ads in area newspapers to no avail.  The one person who was interested is unable to work on the chimneys now. Friends of Letchworth State Park (FoLSP) is re-opening the bidding this week.  Deadline to submit bids is now Monday, June 27th at 3:00 pm (EST). If you know of anyone who may be interested in working on these chimneys (and possibly the stone picnic tables that will eventually follow), please contact (or have them contact) FoLSP at

Thank you in advance for your help!  The state gives us a 5 year window to have these projects completed from the time the grants are awarded.

I Love My Park Day 2016

Hi EvILMPDeryone,

I just wanted to take a moment and thank all of you who were able to come out and help support our “ILMPD” this year in so many different ways, especially when there were so many other things going on this week-end.  We had wonderful weather and a great group of people who accomplished a lot during the morning! The pre-registration total was 106 and several more registered that morning, not to mention the park staff and our FoLSP members who participated.

Our scholarship winner, Hannah Weierheiser and her family (mom, dad, grandmother) were present. Rich did a wonderful job presenting the award to her. It seemed more than fitting that we honored her during this time.  Her family was really impressed and joined as members afterwards besides making a donation.

We have another new member, John Hollander, who also joined our group Saturday and was part of the work crew.  Thank you John and welcome!!

Jeane DeGolyer also came to help Saturday and brought Cal who enjoyed visiting and having lunch with us.

Thanks Lori for coming with your family and taking pictures of the day’s events! They have already been posted on our Facebook page. If any of the rest of you took pictures, please feel free to post them to our Facebook page or email our webmaster and we’ll put them on the website.

Thanks again for helping to make “ILMPD” so successful this year.  Great job organizing it, Doug!! KUDOS!

Thanks again everyone!  Have a good-week!

President – Friends of Letchworth State Park