CCC Legacy Day
Letchworth State Park
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Join us in exploring and honoring Letchworth Park’s Civil Conservation Corps history.
Printable 2016 CCC Legacy Day Schedule
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM
* Camp tours include a tour of the former camp site with photographs and stories, and the laying of flowers to honor camp members. All individuals who participate in all four camp tours will receive a special “We Can Take It” certificate. Easy walking. ** Many steps and mud.
# Historic photographs, engineering plans, and other CCC memorabilia from the Park and private collections will be on display. There will also be a traveling exhibit of 1930’s Works Project Administration art, 1930’s music, representatives from the Genesee County AmeriCorps, New York State Excelsior Program, and CCC related activities for families.
Tours will be given by author and local historian Tom Cook. All events are free and open to the public, vehicle use fees apply. This event is sponsored by the Friends of Letchworth Park and the Genesee State Park Region, and is funded in part by a grant from the National Environmental Education Foundation.